Alexandria's founded by Alexander

Alexandria's founded by Alexander the Great (by year BC): 334 Alexandria in Troia (Turkey) - 333 Alexandria at Issus/Alexandrette (Iskenderun, Turkey) - 332 Alexandria of Caria/by the Latmos (Alinda, Turkey) - 331 Alexandria Mygdoniae - 331 Alexandria (Egypt) - 330 Alexandria Ariana (Herat, Afghanistan) - 330 Alexandria of the Prophthasia/in Dragiana/Phrada (Farah, Afghanistan) - 330 Alexandria in Arachosia (Kandahar, Afghanistan) - 330 Alexandria in the Caucasus (Begram, Afghanistan) - 329 Alexandria of the Paropanisades (Ghazni, Afghanistan) - 329 Alexandria Eschate or Ultima (Khodjend, Tajikistan) - 329 Alexandria on the Oxus (Termez, Afghanistan) - 328 Alexandria in Margiana (Merv, Turkmenistan) - 326 Alexandria Nicaea (on the Hydaspes, India) - 326 Alexandria Bucephala (on the Hydaspes, India) - 325 Alexandria Sogdia - 325 Alexandria Oreitide - 325 Alexandria in Opiene / Alexandria on the Indus (confluence of Indus & Acesines, India) - 325 Alexandria Rambacia (Bela, Pakistan) - 325 Alexandria Xylinepolis (Patala, India) - 325 Alexandria in Carminia (Gulashkird, Iran) - 324 Alexandria-on-the-Tigris/Antiochia-in-Susiana/Charax (Spasinou Charax on the Tigris, Iraq) - ?Alexandria of Carmahle? (Kahnu)

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Chinese search for immortality

The search for immortality is from all times but here we are confronted with a liquid that was meant to do just that!

The precious elixir of life was discovered in China’s Henan Province inside a bronze pot from the Han Dynasty. It was part of the grave goods surrounding the remains a noble family from Luoyang.

Archaeologists first thought they found a liquor because of its alcoholic smell but close lab research revealed that it was made of potassium nitrate and alunite or alum. According to ancient Taoist texts, these elements were the main ingredients of an immortality medicine.

This is the first time such “immortality medicine” is found in China and it offers a unique opportunity to study the Chinese thoughts on achieving that immortality. I suppose that the 3.5 liters will suffice further examination.

Beside the remains of the deceased, this tomb, which covers 210 square meters, also yielded a great number of jade and bronze artifacts as well as painted clay pots.

Of course, the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) started some 100 years after Alexander but that does not mean that this kind of elixir did not exist before that – maybe even in Alexander’s days …

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