Alexandria's founded by Alexander

Alexandria's founded by Alexander the Great (by year BC): 334 Alexandria in Troia (Turkey) - 333 Alexandria at Issus/Alexandrette (Iskenderun, Turkey) - 332 Alexandria of Caria/by the Latmos (Alinda, Turkey) - 331 Alexandria Mygdoniae - 331 Alexandria (Egypt) - 330 Alexandria Ariana (Herat, Afghanistan) - 330 Alexandria of the Prophthasia/in Dragiana/Phrada (Farah, Afghanistan) - 330 Alexandria in Arachosia (Kandahar, Afghanistan) - 330 Alexandria in the Caucasus (Begram, Afghanistan) - 329 Alexandria of the Paropanisades (Ghazni, Afghanistan) - 329 Alexandria Eschate or Ultima (Khodjend, Tajikistan) - 329 Alexandria on the Oxus (Termez, Afghanistan) - 328 Alexandria in Margiana (Merv, Turkmenistan) - 326 Alexandria Nicaea (on the Hydaspes, India) - 326 Alexandria Bucephala (on the Hydaspes, India) - 325 Alexandria Sogdia - 325 Alexandria Oreitide - 325 Alexandria in Opiene / Alexandria on the Indus (confluence of Indus & Acesines, India) - 325 Alexandria Rambacia (Bela, Pakistan) - 325 Alexandria Xylinepolis (Patala, India) - 325 Alexandria in Carminia (Gulashkird, Iran) - 324 Alexandria-on-the-Tigris/Antiochia-in-Susiana/Charax (Spasinou Charax on the Tigris, Iraq) - ?Alexandria of Carmahle? (Kahnu)

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Travelling back in time into antiquity

The possibilities of modern technology are truly without limits! The latest invention is a digital project allowing a “fly-over” of ancient cities and sites. It sounds like a very exciting way to travel back into time.

The first destination that has been made available is a virtual trip to Rome as it was in the year 320 AD. This specific date has been chosen because so much is known about the city at that time. Several of the key buildings built by the successive emperors were visible at that time.

The program called Rome Reborn allows us to explore the Roman Forum, the Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine, Nero’s Palace Domus Aurea, and the Baths of Caracalla. In the next two or three years, other key sites like the Colosseum and the Pantheon will be added. All in all, it will possible to zoom in on about 7,000 buildings and monuments.

Visitors to the above mentioned link can actually “fly-over” the ancient city and stop at chosen locations.

The project has been made possible through close cooperation of archaeologists and the specialized team of Rome Reborn Virtual Reality Project, Flyover Zone Productions.

Plans do exist to recreated Athens in the days of Socrates and Jerusalem during the life of Jesus.

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