This book, written by Peter Bamm, is rarely mentioned in any literature about Alexander the Great. Yet I think this is a must for any novice willing to learn the basics about the person and the campaigns of Alexander. ASIN: B0000COC3F
It was my very first substantial book I read about Alexander and I was hooked for the rest of my life! It was published in 1968 and may seem out of date here and there (the Macedonian city of Aegae is still believed to be in Edessa) with its black and white illustrations, but the photographs perfectly reflect the desolation of the eastern landscapes he was confronted with, the high mountain ranges, the wide wild rivers and unforgiving deserts. The illustrations are engraved in my memory forever and the vivid descriptions of Peter Bamm really make Alexander come alive.
Peter Bamm takes you by the hand as the story unfolds and leads you through a first-hand experience.
Peter Bamm takes you by the hand as the story unfolds and leads you through a first-hand experience.