Sunday, July 31, 2022

Behind the screen of the Alexander movie

We all tend to think that playing a role in a movie is about glamour and competition to be the best, the most appealing, the most successful, and the sexiest. Most actors will aim to reach that high status because it is very profitable. 

However, under certain circumstances, some performers will really embody their screen personage to bring them back to life. That realm is reserved for only a few of them. At this level and beyond their talent, they are exposed to fiercer critics and jealousy, which they must withstand. 

Well, the world of Hollywood and the like is a privileged one, which I don’t want to discuss. The reason for tackling the subject is the Alexander movie by Oliver Stone (yes, once again!). 

Like Alexander’s actual life and heritage, the movie has been criticized ad nauseam. Too many arguments, comments, and opinions have been formulated in endless theories developed in live discussions on TV, YouTube, and other digital media. 

It is precisely one such YouTube exposé that caught my eye: 

Colin Farrell, chosen to play the role of Alexander, received the brunt of the critics. Nothing less than what Alexander endured in his lifetime and after his death 2,300 years ago. May this be a noble consolation to Colin! 

Few know that Colin worked for six months to prepare for his role. He had to learn to fight in close combat using spears and kopis as a foot soldier and cavalryman. He had to know how to ride bareback and underwent rough physical training in martial arts. Colin had to be proficient in these fields before joining the boot camp Oliver Stone had planned for all the “generals” and other leaders. Colin had to somehow copy Alexander to project the same self-assurance, charisma, and authority as the king did (see: The power of Alexander, his generalship, charisma, or both?) Commanding the phalanx (played by Moroccan soldiers) was another major challenge. 

There are so many aspects of which the critical moviegoer is unaware. The above YouTube provides us a brilliant insight into the genius of Oliver Stone and Colin Farrell worth sharing. Nothing short of Alexander's.


  1. one of the best if not the best movie on antiquity. If I have to find a fault..wel.the Persians are more V century BC that very late IV century BC.

  2. We always find "fault". Mine would be the tropical forest to locate the Battle of the Hydaspes, Alexander's greatest battle.
    But how much can you tell to fit within the timeframe of a movie, and how much will the average movie goer understand?
    Oliver Stone went at length to depict "the spirit" of Alexander and his world, and so did Colin Farrell. From that point of view the movie is absolutely a success!
