Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ancient theatre discovered in Bodrum

In the summer of 2011 an ancient theater was discovered in Bodrum. Personally I find theaters always fascinating places to linger, so imagine what this new find in the Myndos area of Bodrum will have to tell us!

[foto from World Bulletin]
Bodrum is, of course, ancient Halicarnassus and Myndos in antiquity was its close neighbor. The theater was constructed around 400 BC, so in my eyes it becomes a structure that Alexander the Great most probably has seen when he besieged Halicarnassus in 334 BC. According to archaeologists it is a huge theater, yet how big will only be revealed after further investigation.

This short message appeared in World Bulletin of August 15, 2011. When more information becomes available, I’ll keep you all posted.

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