Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Another Lycian tomb unearthed in Myra

Finding Lycian tombs is nothing new, but every excavation deserves to be mentioned. There always is the slim chance to find a grave that has not been plundered, either in antiquity or in more recent years.

[Picture from the Archaeological News Network]

No such luck, however, for this tomb that was unearthed near the ancient city of Myra. As always, it was a chance discovery made by the landowner driving his bulldozer.

Myra (modern Demre) is very rich in Lycian tombs and the visitor simply cannot miss the many hollow eyes staring at him when he heads for the well-preserved theater that is so often visited by the tourists (see: Ancient Myra from Finike).

This tomb counts three doors and exposes one chamber of 5 x 4 meters. It may have counted a second floor but that is not certain.

Since the officials are on the spot, they will continue exploring the area hoping to find more of these elegant Lycian tombs.

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