Saturday, March 21, 2020

Excavations resume at the Sanctuary of Samothrace

You would expect that the Sanctuary of the Great Gods at Samothrace is one of the most frequently visited sites in Greece. It is surprising, however, to learn that the latest excavations took place some twenty-two years ago. Technology and up-to-date techniques have certainly evolved since then and it will be interesting to hear what this new five-year research project will reveal.

Samothrace is very closely tied to the Royal House of Macedonia, especially since the parents of Alexander the Great, Philip, and Olympias first met here. The majority of the buildings date from the 4th century BC, and the Sanctuary reached its peak in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. It was ultimately abandoned by the end of the 4th century AD.

The first excavations will start around the Stoa, the Theater, and the so-called perivolos (court surrounded by a low wall) where the famous Nike of Samothrace once stood.

The Stoa is remarkable because of its grand scale, measuring about 104 meters in length. It is the only monument constructed using local limestone from the nearby quarry of Adrotiri near modern Kamariotissa. This is the area where the impressive Nike that is now on display at the Louvre in Paris was retrieved.

The main problem is that in and around the Sanctuary not one single stone from the retaining wall is still in its original place. The inventory made by the archaeologists mentions 1,700 loose pieces of limestone, 1,000 bits of roofing, and an endless number of fragments that decorated the interior walls.

The excavating team has high hopes that a 3D digital model of the Sanctuary will provide a better view of the location and proportion of the many buildings. Good luck to them!

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