Saturday, July 20, 2019

Happy Birthday, dear Alexander!

Today, 2375 years ago, a young prince was born in the Royal Palace of Pella. He was the son of King Philip of Macedonia and Queen Olympias, and his name was Alexander meaning “protector of mankind” (see: He too is Alexander).

In his short life, he conquered most of the then known world although his kingship lasted only for twelve years. Yet each of his years equals a lifetime for any other mortal. He certainly lived his life to the fullest.

Alexander was a hero while he was still alive, and after his death, his person was shrouded in mystery, which kept on growing till today. Many kings, emperors, and other rulers liked to emulate Alexander in the hope to obtain eternal life like him – yet without success.

Nowadays, Alexander is often used for marketing purposes as is the case for the Belgian chocolatier Leonidas, who has created this delicious “praline.”

To your eternal glory, dear Alexander!

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