Friday, February 1, 2019

Exploring Troy and surroundings

What a lovely idea to actually walk the newly created Troy Culture Route between Çanakkale and Assos in northwestern Turkey. The route is 120 km long and the cherry on the cake will be a stop at Troy itself.

Like other trails in Turkey, this is a unique way for trekkers and bikers to enjoy the landscape but also community life of the villagers on the way. The first leg will actually start in Troy and end in Assos offering a wide array of archaeological, historical, cultural and natural assets.

The trail will be signposted but a route map complemented with a guide book will be useful tools for those who do not want to handle GPS or internet applications.

Interestingly, Çanakkale is an excellent ferry arrival harbor from across the Dardanelles, the ancient Hellespont and not far away from the point where Alexander made the crossing. The itinerary will pass the villages of Tavaklı, Babadere, Kösedere, Tuzla, Gülpınar, Kocaköy, Bademli, Koyunevi, Balabanlı, Bektaş, Kuruoba, Korubaşı, Behramkale and the ancient harbor of Assos (an excellent opportunity to enjoy the archaeological site).

It is evident that Turkey is trying to attract more tourists, especially the adventurous ones. It may be a tempting idea for our next holiday destination taking the opportunity to pay a well-deserved tribute to Achilles at his burial mound with Alexander in mind?

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