Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Making a fortune as a fisherman in antiquity

Even in antiquity it was possible to make a fortune being a “simple” fisherman.

The recent discovery of a villa in Halicarnassus dating to the 2nd century AD is there to prove it and we even have the name of its owner, Phainos, whose reputation was famous in his days.

 1,800-year-old villa and mosaics of Greek fisherman Phainos discovered in Turkey

The villa is richly floored with mosaics depicting huge fishes and a fisherman – modesty was not a virtue in antiquity! At a depth of only three meters, archaeologists have also unearthed many marble slabs, some pottery, perfume bottles and, of course, fishing equipment. Moreover, a Roman bath and a group of ten tombs with human remains have also been discovered.

 1,800-year-old villa and mosaics of Greek fisherman Phainos discovered in Turkey

It is, however, strange to read that other villas and mosaics referring to Phainos were found as early as the 1890s. How did modern Bodrum handle these finds and where are they now, I wonder.

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