Monday, December 4, 2017

Temple of Artemis lost and found in Euboea

Well, a temple never is totally lost, of course, we just have to find its exact location after some two thousand years. This was the case for the Temple of Artemis Amarynthia in Eritrea on the island of Euboea.

In antiquity, this open-air sanctuary was the end point of the yearly procession that was held in honour of Artemis, the goddess of hunting in Greek mythology. Her additive name of Amarynthia comes from a local man who was totally besotted by the charms of this goddess.

It turns out that the site of the Temple of Artemis is about ten kilometres away from the place where archaeologists had been looking for it. They have now found parts of an imposing wall from the classical era, which is believed to belong to a Stoa next to the temple.  More artifacts like vases have been recovered and among them was a shard with the inscription connecting the location directly to this temple.

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