Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Legacy of Ancient Palmyra

The Getty Research Institute in Malibu, California, has put together an online exhibition about Palmyra with drawings made by the 18th-century architect Louis-Francois Cassas and the 19th-century photographer Louis Vignes.

Colonnade Street with Temple of Bel in background, Georges Malbeste and Robert Daudet after Louis-François Cassas. Etching. Plate mark: 16.9 x 36.6 in. (43 x 93 cm). FromVoyage pittoresque de la Syrie, de la Phoénicie, de la Palestine, et de la Basse Egypte (Paris, ca. 1799), vol. 1, pl. 58. The Getty Research Institute, 840011 

The Legacy of Palmyra gives a highly interesting look of what Palmyra looked like before it was so carefully and lovingly restored by archaeologists in the 20th and 21st centuries but was ultimately so savagely destroyed in the past decade.

It is a true ode to this once so grand and important city.

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