Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Handbook of Greek Art by Gisela Richter

Greek art is a very vast subject that cannot be explained in just a few words, meaning that inevitably most authors become far too technical and dry to capture our attention. This Handbook of Greek Art by Gisela Richter (ISBN 978-0714824963) is the most appropriate book to get a clear and concise, yet complete overview of everything that is meant by “art”. It is written in a very pleasant and fluent style whereby both the first time traveller confronted with Greek art as well as the more experienced aficionado will not be disappointed. 

The book starts by tackling the Greek architecture by taking a close look at the temples, from early archaic and classical times all the way to the Hellenistic period, detailing the styles (Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian) and the general ground plan of several of the main Greek temples. Then follow buildings like the Treasuries, Theatres, Stadiums, Nymphaeums, Palaestras to conclude with the tombs and private houses.

The next chapter is devoted to larger statues, again sorted by period ranging from the archaic period down to the heydays of Hellenism. The same applies to smaller statues and reliefs made of different kinds of material, except the terracotta statues that are treated separately.

Other separate chapters provide details about gems, coins, and jewelry, followed by a chapter on frescoes and mosaics, and another one about earthenware and painted vases from all over the Mediterranean. The book concludes with a separate chapter discussing furniture, one about textiles and one about decoration. Truly all facets of art are being covered here.

Many pictures, although in black and white illustrate the detailed explanation and a unique table with drawings of every shape of vase and beaker completes the overview. 

The book is not recent, but the pertaining information is still very much up to date.  

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