Tuesday, June 21, 2016

He too is “Alexander”

It is not without reason that I have put “Alexander” between quotation marks in this title, for there is more to this quote than is suggested at first glance.

The Battle of Issus ended with the fleeing of King Darius and Alexander evidently setting off in his pursuit. As darkness fell, he had to abandon his chase and on his way back to camp he picked up the chariot of the Persian king with his shield, mantle, and bow. In the meantime, Alexander’s royal pages had taken possession of Darius’ tent, making it ready to welcome him with all the eastern riches that were seen as an omen for the upcoming conquest of Asia. They lit a great blaze of torches, prepared his bath and his meal, and waited for his return. He is said to have arrived around midnight and after a well-deserved bath, he sat down to relax over dinner, when he was disturbed by lamenting voices of women nearby.

He was informed that Darius’ mother Sisygambis, his wife Stateira and children were in a nearby tent. They just had received the news that Alexander returned with the chariot, bow, and mantle of their king, which led them to believe that Darius was dead and that Alexander had stripped him of his arms. Until then, Alexander had not been aware that the Persian royal family had been captured.

He immediately sent Laomedon, one of his Companions, to speak to Sisygambis and explain that Darius was still alive and that Alexander would treat her and the members of her family with the proper consideration. He would come and visit her the next morning to reiterate his goodwill.

The following day, Alexander went to visit Queen Sisygambis, together with his dear friend Hephaistion. It is said that Hephaistion was taller and more handsome than Alexander and since they were dressed alike, Sisygambis prostrated herself before him instead of Alexander. Hephaistion immediately stepped back and the Queen Mother’s attendants pointed toward Alexander. This was quite an embarrassing situation and with Persian court rules being very strict, one can only imagine what must have gone through the poor woman’s mind. She made a new start and did obeisance to Alexander, who may have been secretly amused by the confusion.

It was here that Alexander pronounced the famous words: “Never mind, Mother, for he too is Alexander”, which has led to many wrong interpretations by modern historians. Interestingly, Arrian is the only one to quote Alexander’s words in a slightly different manner by writing “he too is ‘an’ Alexander” – in other words, a “protector of man” (see: Alexander the Great, it’s all in the name). In fact, Alexander is not only making light of Sisygambis mistake but pays a reverence to his dear friend in the presence of the Persian court.

The fact that he addressed Sisygambis as Mother automatically meant that he accepted her as a second mother and that his intentions were friendly. He reiterated the message that had been conveyed the evening before by Laomedon. Alexander gave back all her servants, returned the royal jewelry, and restored her previous dignity. He also allowed Sisygambis to give the high ranked Persians of her choice who had fallen at Issus a burial in accordance with their own rites and customs. At this point, Curtius also adds that Alexander promised to provide for the marriage of Darius’ daughters and to raise his son as his own. Our sources are less clear when it comes to Queen Stateira, the most beautiful woman in the empire. Some say that Alexander respected her dignity, others that she died in childbirth of a child that could not have been Darius’.

This was Alexander’s first contact with the Persian Royal family and traditions, and I think he handled this extremely well and with great dignity.


  1. This is interesting. But here comes the question: which reading would be the correct one, that of Arrian, the only one who says "an Alexander", or that of the other historians, who do not mention this "an"?

    1. Ah! You tell me! As you know, history is not a set science. Yesterday’s truth may be today lie – or vice versa.
      All ancient authors whose works have reached us, lived a few hundred years after Alexander. They all relied on information that is no longer available to us, which, in turn, was generally written well after Alexander’s death. So, who’s right?
      I think that ‘history of facts and figures’ as we see it today, did not exist. There was a story to be hold, and in Alexander’s case (who was a legend while he was still alive) it is extremely hard to draw a line between reality and legend.
      The expression of being ‘an Alexander’ still exists today. That tells us a lot, doesn’t it?

    2. You're right. History is more about interpretations of facts than the facts themselves.
