Monday, May 23, 2016

The Acropolis of Athens in 3D

Over the centuries, we know, the aspect of the Athenian Acropolis has changed repeatedly.

In order to help in visualizing the many facelifts this natural outcrop underwent, here is an areal view that clearly illustrates the different construction periods and the repeated attacks to annihilate the power it stood for.

In short, this is a history of the Acropolis from 3500 BC till today.


  1. Thank you Argyrapid for this beautiful 3D virtual representation of the history of Acropolis. Here is the link to another 3-D virtual reconstruction of a site that could interest your readers.

    Virtual reality representation of the “House of Dionysos” in Pella created by the Foundation of the Hellenic World. Video on display at the LOUVRE Museum in Paris. Part of the exhibition "In the Kingdom of Alexander the Great - Ancient Macedonia". You tube link

  2. I remember having seen it at the exhibition on Alexander at the Louvre. I thought it most unfortunate that it showed so many columns and so little of the interior and the mosaics, don't you think so?
