Tuesday, December 1, 2015

City with no name – yet.

How unlikely to find an unknown and unchartered city, but this is what happened just recently high up Mount Pindos in Northern Greece!

At first glance and based on the coins, ceramics and some metallic equipment it has been established that the city dates from the 4th century BC. Some fragments of inscriptions have been recovered, one of which reading IEP… and could refer to a sacred place. Archaeologists tend to believe that this was an important place of worship for ancient Macedonians.

The scattered remains and the geographical location of this city in the area of Kastri prove that it occupied an important place in the ancient Macedonian kingdom. So far, large portions of the fortified acropolis have been excavated which leads to conclude that the city had “a religious character”. A large amount of copper arrows and traces of fire indicate, however, that the city was destroyed after a violent war at some point during the 2nd century BC.

Further excavations are needed, of course, but it is extremely exciting to come across such a new archaeological site and ancient city of which nothing is known so far. Being located in Macedonia it may even be a city connected to Alexander the Great, who knows?

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