Saturday, September 5, 2015

Who’s Who in the Age of Alexander the Great by Waldemar Heckel

Who’s Who in the Age of Alexander the Great by Waldemar Heckel (ISBN 978-1-4051-8839-5) is an exceptional reference book, incredibly handy when you need to look up a name of anyone belonging to Alexander’s world.

It contains no less than 800 short or long biographies of all those involved in creating and shaping Alexander’s world, from his family, his commanders and friends to the royals and leaders he faced in Persia, India and all over Central Asia. It even has a list of unknown men and women that were part of his life.

It is a precious source of information to all those wanting or needing to pinpoint a random person and fit it in the true context of history, especially Alexander’s history, of course.

Also available as e-Book (click here).

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