Thursday, August 27, 2015

Opramoas of Rhodiapolis, posthumously businessman of the year?

It is never too late for a promotion and certainly not for a posthumous promotion, even if that happens after 1,862 years! This honor was granted to Opramoas of Rhodiapolis, the great benefactor of Lycia, who contributed largely and generously to rebuilding many cities destroyed and destabilized after the repeated earthquakes in the region during the second century AD.

The initiative was taken by the Antalya Industrials and Businessmen Association (ANSIAD) after his name was put forward by Professor Nevzat Cevik, an academic of the Akdeniz University Archaeology Department. In today’s wording, Opramoas would be called a businessman and as such he became an “honorary member” of the Association. The idea was that Opramoas deserved to serve as a raw model in today’s business world. If that is not an honor, I don’t know what is!

As explained in my earlier blog Opramoas of Rhodiapolis, this Lycian notable who worked at the Lycian League (see: The world’s first Parliament building) attained his wealth from agriculture, banking, and trade, in other words, he was a most successful businessman. He was a great donor and was especially known for his contributions to rebuilding cities hit by the earthquake of 141 AD. Based on the inscriptions on his tomb at Rhodiapolis, it has been calculated that his donations amounted to three million dinars, an astronomic figure! To give an idea, the construction of the two-story high Stoa at Patara amounted to 30,000 dinars, which means that he could have financed the building of 100 such Stoas. The list of his contributions is a long one and at least 32 cities are known to have received help from Opramoas. It is not surprising to find his name in almost every antique city you can visit throughout Lycia today.

Although he may be best known for his help to the devastated cities, he also provided food for the poor, arranged for a dowry to be paid to the newlywed in need, and paid the wages of the workers at the Lycian League.

For a full list of his achievements, one can go to his tomb at Rhodiapolis which carries probably the longest Greek text listing all of his benefactions in 7,000 to 8,000 words. Roll up your sleeves and start reading!

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