Saturday, July 4, 2015

Lysippos, Alexander’s personal sculptor still popular after 2,500 years

Unearthing a new statue is always exciting but when it can be tied back to Lysippos, Alexander’s personal sculptor the find is even more exciting!

Milas, ancient Mylasa, is a very prolific area for archaeological finds and continuous excavations reveal more and more artifacts that have been dormant for so many centuries, thanks to Zeus! This time a Roman copy of a Hellenistic athlete has been brought to daylight, although he is missing his head, his right leg and both arms but that doesn’t make him less appealing.

It has been determined that he looks very much like the work of Lysippos who lived in the 5th century BC. The 1.43 meter-high marble was made in Roman times but the early Hellenistic influences have left their everlasting stamp on this statue. Archaeologists estimate that they will also find the missing body parts to make this athlete “whole” again. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

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