Saturday, April 18, 2015

Traces of Alexander in Israel

No, of course, Israel did not exist in Alexander’s days, but he did march through these lands on his way to Gaza after conquering Tyre, although his exact route remains obscure.

In any case, it is quite rejoicing to hear that two coins minted during the reign of Alexander the Great have been recently found by members of the Israel Caving Club while investigating a large stalactite cave “somewhere” in northern Israel (the location is kept secret to avoid illegal looting).

Beside the coins, the team also discovered silver jewelry like rings, bracelets and earrings, probably hidden in a piece of cloth during Hellenistic times, most probably shortly after Alexander’s death when the Wars of the Diadochi were raging through his empire.

Researchers have labeled this find as one of the most important discoveries in recent years.

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