Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A clear statement about Amphipolis (Kasta Hill), at last!

In today’s world people speak up often enough, yet when it comes to archaeology we are generally left floating in a grey area between wishful dreaming, wild theories and the bare reality. The media are ever present and ready to blow up or tune down events in order to accommodate and appeal to their readers. The hype around Amphipolis/Kasta Hill is no exception and speculations have ran high – just look at all the ups and downs reported earlier on my blog (simply go the link Amphipolis).

This being said, I’m extremely happy with the latest comments made by Angeliki Kottaridou, archaeologist and head of the Imathia Antiquities Ephorate. Here is, at last, somebody who separates facts from figures in a professional way!

Quoting her from an article that was published in Archaeology News Network, this is what she has to say:

"The case of Amphipolis showed us some sociological boundaries and what happens when you consider a hypothesis a given case; the hypothesis that Alexander’s family is there may be impressive to many people, but saying such a thing requires strong evidence. When you do so and you cannot support it, then you have a problem,” she said. "If I say that this tomb is the biggest one that exists and it is not even a tomb but a natural hill, then I probably have a problem. This means I cannot tell what I wish for from reality. When I find a big hole in the grave, I know it's been tampered with or there is at least 95 percent probability it has been tampered with. If for four months I tell reporters it has not been tampered with and it has been so, then I have a problem. I do not care what the political leadership says; I, as a scientist, have a problem."

The fact that she immediately rules out the presence of Alexander the Great in this tomb is indeed quite evident.

Thank you, Angeliki Kottaridou!

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