Saturday, October 18, 2014

Museum to preserve Mount Nemrud?

In August 2014, The Hurriyet Daily News came with the news that copies of the oversized statues on Mount Nemrud will be made to be exhibited in a panoramic museum to be built in Adiyaman. The underlying idea is to preserve these precious sculptures should they disappear due to the severe weather conditions on top of this mountain. To me, it would make more sense to transfer the originals and put copies out there, but then the material is terribly heavy and there is no access road to the top. In fact, they are impossible to move.

The new Adiyaman Panorama and Archaeology Museum will reflect the heritage site as if the visitor stands on top of the mountain. An ambitious project but in my eyes nothing will equal the absolute fascination and unique feeling any visitor will experience standing there on top of the world, i.e. on Mount Nemrud.

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