Friday, August 22, 2014

Update about the excavations at Amphipolis

News from Amphipolis is percolating through very slowly and is served only piece-meal as archaeologists are in the process of clearing the access to the tomb. (See also my previous article: The Tomb of Amphipolis is making headlines again).

The latest news is about the two sphinxes framing the entrance to the tomb. These sphinxes, which have traces of red paint on their feet, will be left in place apparently because of their weight (around 1.5 tons). It has been established that they are 1.45 meters high, while their original height including their heads must have reached two meters. Interestingly, pieces of their wings have also been found, as well as a large section of the back of the nearby lion. Both the sphinxes and the lion of Amphipolis seem to be the work of the same artist.

New is the referral to a black and white mosaic in rhombus shape that will also remain in situ. Experts on the site are also examining a wall section that shows traces of red and blue paint.

Work seems now to be directed to prevent the tomb’s entrance from collapsing. There is yet no information about who is buried here or whether or not the tomb is still intact. Speculations are that the tomb has been raided in the past, but so far this cannot be confirmed.

A series of detailed pictures has been published in the Archaeology News Network.

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