Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Who is Alexander? Part I

That is a good question, especially since most people have no idea. The answer, however, is a challenge. Alexander the Great was the greatest general ever and one of the world's greatest conquerors, creating an empire reaching from Greece to India and from the Caspian Sea to Egypt. His exploits have been handed down over the centuries and still fuel serious discussions 2,500 years after his death. Yet his fame among the general public is overtaken by people like Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, and Napoleon, to name only a few – a very unfortunate fate for such a great man!

Alexander was born as the son of King Philip II of Macedonia and Queen Olympiasmeaning that on his father's side, he was a descendant of Heracles, and on his mother's side of Achilles. At age twenty, he ascended the throne after his father was murdered in 336 BC. It took him two years to secure Macedonia's northern borders and obtain recognition from the other Greek city-states to act as their leader in his campaign to free the Greek cities of Asia Minor still under Persian rule. By capturing all the harbors of the eastern Mediterranean, he inevitably made the Persian navy inoperative and obsolete. He faced the Great King Darius III during the Battle of Gaugamela and came out victorious, although he had not captured the King. That happened only after a wild chase further east in Central Asia's heart. Having acquired the title of King of Asia, he pursued his dream east to the Indus, where his army mutinied and refused to march further east. Alexander had no choice but to turn back. In 323 BC in Babylon, he died from an unconfirmed illness – not the heroic death he evidently must have wished for (see updated info: About the death of Alexander). During his years of kingship, he outdid and outshone every King before and after him.
His life and exploits have reached us only second-handed as the original texts by his court historians Callisthenes, the nephew of Aristotle, and Eumenes, his father's secretary, were lost in time. King Ptolemy I Soter of Egypt, of Macedonian stock and one of Alexander's generals, wrote an Alexander biography which, although lost, was still available at the time Plutarch, Arrian, Diodorus, and Curtius wrote their history. There are other less complete literary sources to which we must add information provided by archaeological excavations and discoveries – an ongoing process. 

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to summarize Alexander's all too short life, crammed with battles, sieges, campaigns, and endless marches over hills, crossing rivers, deserts, and towering mountain ranges. The further east he moved, the more challenging his operations became as he ventured through generally uncharted territories.  

So, it may be best to illustrate his life and exploits piecemeal, just as I discovered them over the years. An excellent place to start is Pella in modern Greece, where Alexander was born in the early summer of 356 BC. In fact, his birth coincided with the fire of the Temple of Artemis in Ephesusand it is said that the goddess was too busy helping Alexander into this world, neglecting her temple duties. Legend or not, the fact remains that Alexander made quite an entrance on the stage of life! 

We know very little about his youth, which 
Plutarch tells nearly exclusively. Every schoolboy, however, is familiar with the story of Alexander taming the wild horse BucephalusKing Philip was presented with an unusual Thessalian horse during the yearly horse market. The horse reared up, ignoring all commands, and Philip found it unmanageable and vicious, not the kind of mount he would trust in the heat of a battle. But the ten-year-old Alexander had other ideas and wanted to have this horse at all costs, much to Philip's annoyance, no doubt as he was himself a fine connoisseur. Anyway, the King gave his son a chance. Alexander had noticed that the horse was afraid of his own shadow and turned him to face the sun, whispered sweet words in his ear, and was able to calm him down. This is how he won his confidence and managed to ride him to the greatest joy and probably relief for his father and all present. This may have been when Philip exclaimed, "look for another kingdom, my son; Macedonia is too little for you." Alexander called his horse Bucephalus, meaning Oxhead, after the white blaze on his head. Since that day, Alexander and Bucephalus 
have been inseparable. When his magnificent mount died of old age in India, he even named a city after him.

Plutarch also tells us another anecdote about young Alexander, who apparently received a group of ambassadors from Persia in his father's absence. The prince impressed them by asking the right questions that were not childish. He inquired, for instance, about the roads leading to the heart of Asia, their King and how he carried himself towards his enemies, what size of army he could muster, and other things along that line. Useless to say that the Persian delegates were very much impressed and full of admiration for the son of Philip.

Alexander's first preceptor was the austere Leonidas, a kinsman of Queen Olympias, followed by Lysimachos the Acarnanian, who called himself Phoenix, and Alexander Achilles. When the young prince was about twelve years old, his father sent for Aristotlethe most learned and celebrated philosopher of his time. He thought the temple of the Nymphs at Mieza was the appropriate location (see: Mieza, Alexander's schooling). With boys his age, he received the doctrine of Morals and Politics, and those theories the philosophers professed for oral communication only to the initiated. Alexander's interest in medicine must have come from Aristotlea skill he used to treat his sick friends throughout his life.
Even King Philip must have noticed and recognized how bright and intelligent his son was. After all, 
he trusted him with the seal of Macedonia while he led an expedition against ByzantiumAlexander was only sixteen years old at the time and proved up to his role of Regent as he successfully fought the rebellious Maedi. That is when he founded his first city.
At the Battle of Chaeronea, opposing King Philip's forces against an alliance of the Greek city-states led by Athens and Thebes, who felt that Macedonia under Philip was gaining too much power, the King entrusted his son with the command of the left wing. At eighteen, the young prince and his cavalry killed the unbeatable Theban Band to the last man, eliminating the centuries-old entity for good. Despite Athens' resentment to accept Macedonia as their equal in the repeated peace negotiations, they were ruled by the master of all the free city-states - although they so profoundly believed in their own freedom. That winter, Philip summoned them to send their delegation to Corinth, and soon The League of Corinth was born. This meant that each state individually had to swear not to harm any other member of the Common Peace (or Philip or his descendants, for that matter) and not interfere in their internal affairs. They also swore not to become allies with any foreign power that could damage any member of the Treaty. No member could undertake any operation that might endanger the peace or overthrow its constitution.

This is, in a nutshell, the baggage Alexander had accumulated when his father was brutally murdered during the wedding of his daughter Cleopatra, Alexander's sister, in the summer of 336 BC. Alexander, now twenty years old, became King of Macedonia and Hegemon of all Greece, except Sparta, who always wanted to stand apart. His task was to continue in his father's footsteps, who had already made preparations to free the Greeks of Asia Minor.

[Picture of Philip and Alexander from Oliver Stone's movie Alexander]

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