Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Macedonian War Machine by David Karunanithy

After all the books about Alexander's campaigns, The Macedonian War Machine (ISBN 184884618-5) finally gives us an inside view of the entire organization behind the day-to-day business as is suggested by the subtitle, "Neglected Aspects of the Armies of Philip, Alexander and the Successors 359-281 BC". A colossal job!

It is common knowledge that Alexander the Great owes his well-oiled and well-drilled army to his father, King Philip II of Macedonia. Alexander made his own additions and improvements, especially during his long march east. The Successors of Alexander reaped the fruits of this entire enterprise as they followed in his tracks.

It is an absolutely fabulous book discussing many aspects of the Macedonian army. Besides known and lesser-known antique authors, David Karunanithy also closely analyzes wall paintings and frescos, statues and reliefs, coins and medallions, tombs, and stelae spread among sites and museums worldwide, with astonishing results. Especially the Alexander Sarcophagus, treasured by the Museum of Istanbul, the famous Alexander Mosaic exhibited in the Museum of Naples, and the paintings from the Agios Athanasios Tomb, the proud possession of the Museum of Thessaloniki, offer an abundant source of information.

The author systematically scrutinizes the outfit of Macedonian infantry and cavalry distinctively, officers as well as common soldiers and servants: their sandals, their shin or calf-high boots (krepides) with hobnail soles or not; their protection greaves; their felt socks (pellytra) with open toes; their chlamydes (cloaks) and tunics for either winter or summer use; their muscle-cuirasses, gorgets and an assortment of corselets; their headgear from leather or woolen kausiai to Boeotian and Phrygian helmets; their bronze decorated and maybe painted and color-coded shields; their kopis (saber) and xiphos (straight sword); spears and sarissai; etc. These outfits and equipment had to be produced at key locations to be hauled and stored at preset points on Alexander's route. A full-blooded industry is hidden behind these services alone, and workshops and arsenals arose when and where needed with highly skilled and professional workmen.

Training the soldiers was another ongoing business where newcomers were taught how to handle their arms and move in formation, with drills and fake combats, forced marches, hunting, and all other aspects that would enhance their performance on the battlefield. It is evident that the cavalry had a training of their own – not to forget that horses had to be acquired, tamed, and made ready for combat. Over the years, many mounts had to be replaced, and we know what a keen eye Alexander had to select the very best animals any region could produce. His Companion cavalry was privileged with the Nisaean thoroughbreds, which were highly praised and celebrated as they were perhaps closely related to the modern Arabian horse. As the march eastward progressed, new breeds of large, strong horses were gradually introduced. A lot of care went into finding the best grazing lands while on the move; stables had to be built even on the way to shelter these noble animals.

The troops needed a constant supply of food, arms, armor, horses, and clothing. This meant that the importance of the baggage train in Alexander's army could not be underestimated and required adequate supervision by a highly reliable transport officer. The author feels that there is a good indication that this was one of Parmenion's tasks since he had gained invaluable experience under King Philip II. After the general's death, the post was most likely filled by Craterus or Erigyius. On the move through the many deserts of the East, food supplies were sealed and held at the center of the baggage train to ensure famished soldiers would not steal any of it.

The book also contains an enlightening chapter about camp life. It covers the role of the scouts, whose task was to choose the ideal location to set up camp. We get an insight into the layout of these camps that followed the Hippodamian plan in which every unit had its pre-established place with the King's quarters in its very center. A closer look is taken at the different palisades and entrenchments used depending on the terrain and whether or not traveling in a hostile country; the soldier's tents; the use of specific standards and banners; etc. Also, the security measures and signaling routines applied in the camp are discussed.

In fact, the list of topics is endless as David Karunanithy extensively scrutinizes the details of daily life and discipline of the Macedonian army before, under, and after Alexander. At the end of his book, he adds extensive information about the technical expertise required and widely used for building roads, causeways, bridges, siege machines, and all sorts of artillery. These technicians also were proficient in constructing altars, pyres, and harbors; deviating water courses; filling up ravines; planning the crossing of the many waterways, and digging for wells when water was scarce.

The sources David Karunanithy used to bring this vast amount of information together in an understandable language seem endless, ranging from scant notes from antiquity to modern analysis and studies, of which there are many. As a consequence, his reference bibliography is impressive. Useless to say that I couldn't grasp it all at once and had to re-read the entire book all over again, knowing that I would get back to it time and again.

The Macedonian War Machine underscores once again the massive and unique achievements of Philip II and the genius of Alexander the Great. No wonder the men who fought under either or both kings thrived on this experience for years, fighting each other in the following decennia to keep the Macedonian aura shining.

Also available as an e-Book.

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