Monday, January 20, 2014

Indo-Greek art or the influence of Hellenism on Buddhist art

When, in the frame of Europalia India, the exhibition The Body in Indian Art came to Brussels, I had the opportunity to go hunting for Greek elements in the Indian statues and friezes. The oldest sculptures dating from the 2nd century BC and the most recent with still Hellenistic traits were from the fourth century AD, i.e., more or less with the latest influences in the West under the Romans. The attentive visitor will easily recognize Hellenistic influence in the facial expression, the positioning of the body resting on one leg, the execution of the robes, the border elements with palmettos and four-leaved flowers familiar from caissons in Greek buildings, or even in the active Cupid or Amor figures on narrow decorative stone bands. This collection was a unique opportunity since it seldom travels outside India.

After the spreading of Hellenism, Buddha is depicted visually wearing a light toga-like himation, and the Bodhisattvas are merely bare-chested Indian princes. The surrounding buildings are set up in Greek style with remote Ionian and Indian-style Corinthian capitals. The figures are a mixture of Greek and Indian elements.

The real aficionados will find many magnificent examples of this unique style at the Musée Guimet in Paris, France. This museum has been entirely revamped and hosts an amazing collection of Asian Art. In the traces of Alexander the Great, Treasures from Afghanistan/Pakistan (roughly ancient Bactria and Sogdiana) and India have been gathered to be exhibited in an absolutely breathtaking collection. Besides major artifacts from Hada and Begram in today's Afghanistan, there are beautiful examples of Buddhas and Bodittsavas among lovely genies from Gandhara worth the visit.

Cyrus the Great first extended the Persian Empire eastwards to include the areas around the Indus River. Gandhara in the Peshawar Valley of northern Pakistan fell under Achaemenid rule and was formally incorporated as the seventh satrapy, that of the Upper Indus.

When Alexander the Great arrived in Taxila in 326 BC, Buddhism had yet to appear in that region. Arrian, among others, mentions, however, that the king met members of the Indian sect of Wise Men who walk around naked. It is common knowledge that Alexander always kept an open mind to other religions, and these wise men must have intrigued him. One of them, going by the Greek name of Calanus, joined Alexander on his way back west, and we can only guess their topics of conversation. Calanus had many pupils and friends inside Alexander's circle. The only one mentioned by name is Lysimachos, who received the horse that the dying man was supposed to ride on his way to the sacrificial pyre arranged at his request by Alexander in person. 

The fact remains that the first statues representing Buddha are part of Alexander's legacy. Hellenism contributed to spreading art, culture, and knowledge and took root in Central Asia, where the Bactrian kings proudly showed off their close ties. In India, on the other hand, this influence was much slower if only because the Mauryan kingdom imposed itself shortly after Alexander's passage, eliminating the Macedonians on their way.

It may not surprise that the first images of Buddha were created in Central Asia during the rule of Graeco-Bactrian kings. Before the spreading of Hellenism, no artist was allowed to show Buddha in human form, and symbols such as a footprint, a wheel, a tree, a stupa, or some Sanskrit characters were used instead. By 180 BC, the Graeco-Bactrian King Demetrius invaded India leading to the Indo-Greek kingdom that lasted until 10 AD. This was when the Gandharan Buddha was sculpted with a straight nose and brow, classical lips, and wavy hair – strong idealized and sensuous influences of Hellenism. A striking element was the introduction of the "diaphanous," a toga-like robe that Buddha wears instead of the expected loin cloth. Yet the heavy eyelids, the elongated earlobes, and the oval-shaped faces are still very much Indian. In short, this art form became a potent melting pot of Eastern and Western traditions.

Chandragupta of the Mauryan Empire took advantage of the confusion following the death of Alexander to take possession of the former Macedonian satrapies of Parapamisade (Gandhara), Arachosia (Kandahar), and Gedrosia after fighting Seleucos, Alexander's successor in the east (305-303 BC). Only when King Demetrius defeated the Mauryas, did the influence of Hellenism appear in India.

It is clear that Alexander's legacy through Hellenism was felt for many centuries, directly or indirectly, and visiting an exhibition even distantly related to the great conqueror is always gratifying.

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