Monday, October 7, 2013

Caunos and its newly discovered lady

All of Turkey is one big excavation site when it comes to archaeological sites. The latest news reaches us from Caunos (see: The Surprise of Caunos) where an elegant statue of a young women has been unearthed. It was found in a lime pit where marble objects were left as gifts to the god of Caunos, Basileus Caunios. It has been dated to the Hellenistic period, some 2,300 years ago. After being cleaned and restored, it will be on display in the Museum of Fethiye.

[Picture from Hurriyet Daily News]

Who knows what other treasures are still hidden in that marvelous city which most people only know from the tourists pictures of the rock-tombs high up on the wall along the Dalyan River.

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