Thursday, May 2, 2013

Andriake’s granary to be turned into a museum

When I last visited Andriake in 2008, I felt there was still a lot of work to do by the archaeologists – but then that is the case everywhere in Turkey. There are so many sites that authorities must find it hard to pick their choice.

Anyway, this time, it is the turn of Andriake, the port of ancient Myra. The picture I find in the Hurriyet Daily News shows that no half measures are taken as Andriake looks more like a construction site than a ruined city. The plan is to build an open-air museum inside Hadrian’s Granary which should open by the end of November 2013 and is meant to display many of the regions artifacts.

It seems they have worked out the details pretty well, since ticket booths, offices, cafes and toilets will be provided. High time for me to return for an updating visit!

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