Saturday, September 8, 2012

Phoenix, wild and grand – also on the Loryma Peninsula - Caria 6

On the same Loryma Peninsula we anchor in one of the many picture-perfect coves and set out to discover the remains of Phoenix, a city of which I find no information whatsoever. As so often the case in Turkey, places have names and are put on a map but nothing or close to nothing is done to disclose the history and background of the place. Phoenix is no exception and I have the feeling to be the very first one to lay eyes on the stones, the walls, the ruined houses used over and over during the eons past. You can let your imagination run freely among these wild and crumbled hills.

“A river runs through it” would be another name for this remote town, although all that is left is the rocky riverbed that may or may not be filled with water after some heavy rain-showers. I truly takes plenty of imagination to bring this place to life for all I see is evidence of ordinary daily life with bits and pieces of tiles, amphora’s and other ceramics. The vague remains of cisterns and wells catch the eye beside stone slabs with half-worn Greek inscriptions that have been reused in the walls of more recent constructions. The careful observer will discern the city walls, partially swallowed up by the landscape and the high grasses, buildings leaning against the rocky background or nestled in between big outcrops that cannot be moved but have been integrated in the walls of some building.

If not for the scanty remains, the climb is definitely worth the view from atop this hill!

Click on the Label Caria 2012 to read the full story
[Click here to see all the pictures of Phoenix]

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