Thursday, June 28, 2012

Latest Books and eBooks News - Updated June 2012

Modern technology is slowly but surely catching up with our printed books. We certainly made a great step forward with many ebooks being available, but to my chagrin, the specific books that I want to read generally are not – or not yet. Luckily we are in for a change in this field also, and I want to share with you some of my favorite authors who are making progress in that direction.

I just was made aware of Andrew Chugg’s updates and ebook versions of two of my favorite books:

Alexander’s Lovers” (see my comments on Megas Alexandros) with extra information about Alexander’s deification and Hephaistion’s funeral pyre. This edition is now available on Amazon’s Kindle (ASIN: B007OXZU60), but for those who still like to hold on to a printed copy, a second printed edition can also be obtained also (ISBN: 978-0-9556790-4-9).

“The Quest for the Tomb of Alexander the Great” (see my comments on Megas Alexandros) has also been edited with the latest information about Alexandria and his search for Alexander’s tomb at the San Marco in Venice. The Kindle format is available under the ref ASIN: B0085NSY2A, and a second printed edition (ISBN 978-0-9556790-6-3) will follow this August 2012.

Then there is Robbert Bosschart’s Spanish version, “Todas las Mujeres de Alejandro Magno” which is entirely up-to-date and contains lots of new elements and complementary information, like Alexander’s meeting with the Pythia in Delphi or details about the relation of Artemisia I of Caria with King Xerxes. His printed revised edition (ISBN 9788415160687) is available from Eride, while the second edition of his ebook (ISBN 788415425687) with otherwise unpublished illustrations can be found through Casa del Libro. 

Meanwhile, I’m happy to see that many more titles have become available digitally. I hereby give a list of those books listed so far under the Category “From my Bookshelves” on the present site of Megas Alexandros.
For my earlier comments, please click on this link

Historical Sources in Translation, Alexander the Great” by W. Heckel and J.C. Yardley
For my earlier comments, please click on this link.

Alexander the Great and His Empire” by Pierre Briant
For my earlier comments, please click on this link.

For my earlier comments, please click on this link.

History of Alexander the Great” by Curtius Rufus
For my earlier comments, please click on this link.

The Afghan Campaign” by Steven Pressfield
For my earlier comments, please click on this link.
For my earlier comments, please click on this link.
This list is, of course, not exhaustive and definitely will be updated at some time in the future. Till then, I wish you all happy reading!

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