Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sagalassos Exhibition in Tongeren, Belgium

The exhibition Sagalassos, City of Dreams, is quite interesting, with plenty of panels (in Dutch only) relating the history of the place in between the illustrated artifacts. To anyone who has not been to Sagalassos, it is very well coconstructed, with a scale model of the site in the center surrounded by a 360-degree projection of the landscape with the sound of the everlasting winds and running water in the fountains.

Unfortunately, the scale model is all white on a white background, and I missed some depth or livelihood. They could have made more of it using push-buttons to highlight this or that building, which is challenging to transpose on the scale model or the site of Sagalassos itself.

For the children, there are five computers or so presenting de "live" history in the style of Asterix. Then there are two or three screens with very short 3D reconstructions whirling around rather quickly – an excellent idea that has not been entirely developed.

As to the objects on exhibition, I personally found the collection relatively poor, at least this was the conclusion after my first visit. 
I was, however, in for a huge surprise during my second visit! At the far end of what I thought was the last room, I discovered arrows on the floor and on the wall directing the visitors to what turned out to be the exhibition's climax! How could I have missed this the first time? I wasn't alone then, and my friend hadn't seen the signs either … Even now, there are fewer visitors in that part than in the front rooms.

What a pity this was/is not better labeled for the true gems are to be found here: the entire frieze with the dancing Maenads from the Heroon, for instance, together with the head of the hero, which by some is thought to belong to Alexander the Great. Further, two beautiful reliefs of Zeus and Poseidon, a fine Hellenistic cremation tomb, and a more prominent Roman example are also displayed. And, of course, one of the statues from the impressive Nymphaeum at the Upper Agora of Sagalassos representing Dionysus with a Satyr. All the pieces are exquisitely exposed to the floodlight in this utterly dark room, blanketed on one side with a bed of red poppies like we can see live in the Sagalassos area in springtime. In the last room and in bright white light, I find Emperor Hadrian's colossal head, recently excavated with one foot and part of his leg, which made the headlines for a special exhibition at the British Museum!

So, I have to revise my opinion that this exhibition wouldn't be worth a trip from abroad for it definitely would. Sagalassos and visiting the Museum in Burdur are not within everybody's reach, and maybe Tongeren is.

I evidently took pictures; just click on this link Sagalassos/Tongeren. For the missing part and its highlights, you'll have to wait for my next trip to Tongeren as I didn't carry my camera during my second visit. Meanwhile, my pictures from the Museum in Burdur will have to do.

[Click here to see all my pictures of the Tongeren exhibition]

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