Friday, January 28, 2011

News from Didyma, Turkey

Sometimes illegal digs reveal unexpected new prospects, like last summer (2010) in Didyma on Turkey’s west coast.

Didyma, the site of an ancient oracle, literally means “twins”. The Temple of Apollo is well-known meanwhile and a true Mecca for the tourists in the area. You may remember that the god Apollo had a twin sister, the goddess Artemis. So it is not impossible to suppose there could be a nearby temple dedicated to her also.

Illegal digs have recently uncovered remains of a wall, suggesting by its size and location that it might well pertain to another temple. Because of the city’s name Didyma, the dedication to Artemis is rather obvious but so far this is only speculation and we’ll have wait for the outcome of further excavations of the site.

Meanwhile more excavation works are being undertaken on the ancient Sacred Road that once connected Miletus to Didyma, more specifically on the portion between the Apollo Temple and Panormos Harbor.

I’m curious to hear what other surprises this site will reveal!

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