Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fire from Heaven by Mary Renault

Fire from Heaven (ISBN 0582101344) was one of the very first books that I read on the subject of Alexander the Great, here depicted in his early years up to his accession to the throne of Macedonia. It is a novel, of course, but it is what we call a historic novel as the entire story is based on facts that have come to us through ancient writers. Consequently, the greater part of Alexander’s life is fiction and we should not look too closely at the details, but, all in all, Mary Renault manages to describe the décor and circumstances in which Alexander grew up with a great feeling of trueness since they are interwoven with historical facts.

Although Mary visited Greece only once in her life, she manages to describe the landscape and daily life very vividly and makes you feel part of the events. It is amazing to discover that she wrote this book when she was well into her sixties (1969), to be followed three years later by the controversial Persian Boy. In her later years, Mary Renault, to be pronounced as Ren-olt, managed to create her own Greek world based on what she read in ancient literature and the details she found in statues and on painted vases about all facets of life in those days.

Whether you know about Alexander or not, you witness a vivid and lively account of daily life in Macedonia in the fourth century BC and more specifically at the Royal Court. Both Alexander’s parents show themselves each with their own character, King Philip II the womanizer but highly successful warrior and leader of the peoples in and around Macedonia; Queen Olympias with her dark furies and mysterious Dionysus rites and very possessive of her son. We witness how Alexander struggles within himself with this heritage, but also how he finds comfort in Hephaistion’s unwavering trust and devoted friendship.

Historians have a tendency to shrug their shoulders and smile pathetically when you mention this book, but it is one of the rare occasions to come so close to what could have been Alexander’s true life in his early years. The only author from antiquity mentioning anything about his boyhood is Plutarch, all the others start with Alexander’s deeds after Philip’s murder when he became King of Macedonia and set out to conquer Asia. Based on the very scarce information available, the efforts of Mary Renault are even more recommendable.

Personally, I dare say that this story is very close to the truth – at least, that is my personal opinion. When I visited Pella for the first time many years ago, I had the feeling of a déjà vu thanks to her book. It was amazing to discover how skillfully she brought the ruins to life!

Also available as e-Book.


  1. I do agree with you. And it's my favourite of the trilogy ;)

  2. Have you read "Dancing with the Lion: Becoming" by Jeanne Reames?


    I think it's better than Renault.

  3. Thanks for bringing this book to my attention. It must be pretty if you label it as being better than Renault!

    1. I liked its characterization and history better than Renault's books - a more Macedonian perspective. The author's website has quite a bit information:

      I'd love to see your review. btw thank you for the blog - I've learned a lot from it.

  4. ... a Macedonian perspective? Sounds interesting although the "Macedonian" in Alexander must have evolved and shifted over the years.

  5. Macedonian as opposed to the Attic centric classical Greece we're used to :) Not the modern FYROM if that's what you were wondering.

  6. Please, let's leave ex-FYROM, now Republic of Macedonia out of the equation.
    What I mean is that the Macedonian world in which Alexander grew up was totally different from the world he witnessed ten years into his Asian campaign. He became familiar with the finesses and the etiquette of the Persian court, and in India he found a wealth and opulence beyond anything he could ever imagine. Life was never to be same again.

  7. Ah, sorry for misunderstanding. What I meant was the culture, language, custom, geography, etc in the book was more Macedonian specific comparing to Renaults rendition. Renault used more generic Greek references (ancient Macedonian researches not as available during her time). The books covers roughly the same time period as "Fire from heaven" so all happened in Macedonia.

    1. Of course, in that time frame, "Macedonian" is entirely justified.

  8. I read both of Jeanne Reames books, enjoying the first one more than the second. As a long time fan of Mary Renault, I was nevertheless impressed by the gritty realism, the unapologetic sexual relationship between Hephaestion and Alexander, and the new spin on Olympias. I disagreed with some of her physical portrayals, such as making Alexander weak-sighted and homely, not to mention red-haired. I didn't care for the concept of a long-haired Hephaestion either when all portraits show him with short curly hair, which was the style of the day. That I blame on Jared Leto, lol. In the second book, Rise, I found the writing style a bit tiresome. King Philip is often violent toward his son, and the relationship between Alexander and Hephaestion is volatile. For me, it was like someone said, "You need to create conflict on every page.." I did enjoy her portrayals of the women in the story, and it's obvious she has a vast knowledge of the subject. But, even though Renault's Alexander may be a little outdated, and sexually repressed, the beauty of her writing, the dreamy atmosphere of the book, and nuances of the characters are much more enjoyable as a reader of historical fiction.

    1. It is not obvious to compare Mary Renault’s vision with that of Jeanne Reames. However, Alexander is such a complex figure that in the end everyone sees him from a different angle and appreciates or dismisses his character mainly based on his/her own perception.
      This became even more clear to me as I created my own image of Alexander throughout this blog as well as in my book, Alexander the Great was here, and so was I (https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/alexander-the-great-was-here-and-so-was-i).
      I strongly believe that nobody, from the archaeologist to the historian or the common admirer, is entirely right or wrong describing the character of Alexander. Over the centuries, so much of his history and so many of his legends have been created that none of it will ever do him justice entirely.
      PS. Maybe you could post your above comment on Jeanne Reames’ books as well? ;-)

    2. If I may make a slight correction/comment. It's common for readers to see books in the timeline they emerge. But DANCING WITH THE LION was begun in December of 1988. (Yes, really.) Sometimes, in the field of historical fiction, it takes that long to get something published. I had to agree to cut the book in half, among other things. In any case, Hephaistion has ALWAYS (from the beginning) had long hair as part of his Athenian affectation. It really owes nothing to Jared Leto (who, frankly, I hated as Hephaistion). While the book may have been published in 2019, it long predates Stone's flick. I finished the first draft c. 1992. Subsequent edits were mostly shortening it. Hephaistion (and Alexander) have not changed substantially in characterization.

      (And thanks, on the women. I really wanted to portray Olympias as something OTHER than a femme fatale. And Kleopatra outlasted them all, so she had to be pretty damn clever.)
